Manage all the digital evidence from your cases on one single DEMS platform and streamline the workflow of your cases or investigations
Digital evidence is more important every day in police or intelligence investigations. Computers, Smartphones and the Internet provide videos, photos, audio recordings, documents or social media content that can help to solve a case. However, the amount of data that can be collected as digital evidence is huge in most cases. And this requires a system that is able to manage this flood of information, make sense of it, analyze it, and draw conclusions from the data. This is where Intelion Digital Evidence Management can help you, providing a complete environment where to collect, store, analyze and share digital evidence for Law Enforcement Agencies and keep chain of custody.
The challenge
Manage and make sense of GB or TB of digital information
In today’s world, a lot of the information is digital, and this has a direct impact on how police or intelligence investigations are conducted nowadays. Almost every case will have GB of digital information in the form of pictures, video, audio and documents of every kind, that can contain evidence pertinent to the case. But managing this amount of data is almost impossible by hand, especially without breaking the chain of custody.

The solution
Intelion DEMS can manage all the digital information, analyze it and help you draw conclusions
Intelion’s DEMS platform ( Digital Evidence Management) is built around a secure database engine and has multiple analyzers for any filetype, in order to extract metadata from them. Faces, license plates, Speaker ID, Speech-to-text and translation, to name a few. Thanks to the web interface, you can use the system from anywhere and manage all of your evidence with ease.
Intelion DEMS helps you alongthe complete digital evidence lifecycle
From the first capture and ingest of digital files or streams up until when the data is decomissioned and purged after the appropriate legal period, Intelion Digital Evidence Management helps you all the way to keep everything in check, secure, and accessible to the right people only. The AI analyzers do all the heavy lifting locating the information you need for your case, and pinging you when something turns up. All the management process is streamlined and the web interface allows access to Intelion from a simple browser, on any authorized device. Specific and granular user permissions keep you chain of custody intact and any action on the system is logged in an audit trail.

1. Capturing
Intelion DEMS can ingest any type of file or stream, whether video, audio, image or text-based. This can be done massively, and in an unattended manner, completely automatically.

2. Storing
The storage system allows immediate access to any file via a simple but powerful search system, and any unusual file format is converted to a more common one, so you can later share it with others, but keeping the original intact.

3. Analyzing
Intelion’s analyzers (see below) allow an unattended analysis of all files, generating searchable metadata from any video, audio or image files, locating faces, specific words spoken, identifying speakers, and many more. Add your own analyzers if needed. We are agnostic.

4. Managing/Investigating
Create specific workflows for each case and let Intelion process the needed information and automatically message you when something relevant is detected. Correlate different data sources and find relationships between events or people to help solve your case.

5. Collaborating
Complex investigations are usually done by a team, not one person. Share information, findings, reports or results with your colleagues easily, keep each other up to date within the platform, so that everyone has the same data. Or limit access to specific parts. You choose.

6. Purging
Once a case has been closed, the legal framework of many countries requires to delete the stored evidence after a certain period of time. Program a retention schedule and Intelion will take care of everything, even logging the date and time when the secure deletion happened.
Intelion's analytics capabilities
Intelion uses an Analytics Bus as a central hub to apply all the AI analyzers to the news channels. This allows not only to add any number of analyzers to the analysis chain, but also to define an advanced analytics logic. The Intelion Analytics Bus processing sequence can be programmed individually via the BPM automation graph, for each usage scenario or even for individual assignments. Find everything you need, in all OSINT or private channels.
Speaker ID is able to identify individual speakers in a conversation, and to associate what is said by each one.
Facial recognition identifies and verifies a person based on an image of their face. It is a biometric identification method.
Object recognition analyzes images or video, and detects the objects in view, by comparing them to a previously trained database.
Audio fingerprinting is used for locating a given sound (an event) within an longer audio file. Any sound pattern can be used.
Speech-to-text converts spoken word into editable and searchable text, and is able to detect changes in the language spoken.
ALPR is able to identify license plates for different countries in any image or video, as well as the car model, make, color, year…
Translation can convert text in any language, into your own language (or any other), so you can understand its contents.
OCR is able to read any text that appears in an image (signs, logos, etc.) or is overlaid on it, like titles or lower thirds.

We are able to make ad-hoc adaptations, customizations, developments or integrations with pre-existing systems.
Intelion DEMS and theForensic Laboratory
Multiple types of media files have to be analyzed and managed in a Forensic Media Lab. This requires a Video Forensic Analysis platform that can handle all the files, keeping the chain of custody intact and, at the same time, linking the originals to the enhanced or edited files from the different Lab Media Enhancement Solutions.
Intelion is the platform you need. Not only can you apply AI analyzers to massive amounts of files for a robust AI information extraction, but the system allows you to manage all that information in an intuitive way and provides a powerful search engine for you to find exactly the evidence you need.
Forensic Media Management
Close more cases, find more proof, thanks to Intelion’s advanced search and management functions. Just specify your search parameters and targets (faces, voices, sound patterns, objects…) and let Intelion do the hard work, unattended. The DEMS forensic video platform will alert you on your mobile, when anything is found, so you can check the evidence. Use your time more productively selecting appropriate evidence with filters, advanced searches, etc. amongst thousands of files. Compile automatic reports of your findings with all the evidence attached and share information with other officers easily.

Workflow automation
Intelion’s Business Process Module allow you to specificy the exact workflow you need for each and every case. Tell the platform what to search, and when to search for it, in an easy graphic way, creating the workflow that adapts to you and your case, in just minutes. Concentrate on high value work, while Intelion does the analytics to provide you with the evidence you need.

Evidence integrity
The Intelion DEMS storage system allows immediate access to any file via a simple but powerful search, allowing the use of filters in advanced combinations. On top of this, any unusual file format is converted to a more common one, so you can watch it easily or share it with others. The originals are always kept and linked to the working version of the file.

Deep Fake detection
With the proliferation of malicious uses of artificial intelligence, recently it has become necessary to check if digital evidence is REAL digital evidence. With the help of a special module, it is possible to detect Deep Fakes in digital material that is presented as evidence, in order to assess the veracity of the audio or video file.

Enhanced Clip Linking
Sometimes crucial evidence is on a damaged device and has to be recovered by forensic techniques. When poor quality files are found and need to be enhanced, Intelion links all clips (recovered and original) in the correct position, to keep the integrity of the chain of custody and to simplify file management, allowing to see both versions.
Intelion DEMS platform capabilities
With Intelion DEMS you will be able to manage all of your cases from wherever you are, in a secure environment, with all the functionality at your fingertips. Add new files, analyze existing one and get alarms or reports when anything interesting is found. Intelion can work 24/7, finding the evidence you need, and storing it for you.
Secure access
Use Single-Sign-On or any secure access method to get to your evidence from anywhere. Share information granularly with specific people, limiting what they can see or do on Intelion DEMS. All the information on the system is stored encrypted.

Mobile app
Intelion's Web interface can be used on any device, without the need of having a specific app download onto your phone. Enjoy all the functionality, without the hassle.
Case Management
Cross-reference information from diferent cases and use the whole database if necessary, to find additional evidence related to your actual case, in a matter of minutes. Having all the video and audio evidence in one place is extremely efficient and helps case management substantially. Not only can you export reports of all the information found, but also see everything you have available for a specific case, group elements for that case or parts of an investigation, etc. Reduce the paperwork to a minimum and never loose sight of the investigation goals.

Retention Schedule
Program a retention schedule for each case, in accordance with your local laws, and Intelion will take care of the deletion of the evidence once que that has been closed and the retention span has passed.
Intelion reads geolocation tags from many files and can also have this information added later, so you can position the action correctly at a certain place and make your investigations accordingly.

Audit Trails
Know exactly who has seen what, if a file has been tampered with or how many times a certain evidence has been accessed. Get an extensive audit for the judge or any internal department.
Custom User permissions
Define exactly what each user will be able to do, assigning access right, temporal access right, the ability to read or edit, to share or to export copies from specific evidence.

Chain of Custody (CoC)
Keep the Chain of Custody completely intact ensuring that nothing is modified in any way with a specific hash for every file, when it is uploaded into Intelion's database.
Our latest post about Intelion
What is a Digital Evidence Management System?
It is one central repository for all your digital evidence, made searchable and accessible on any device. Information sharing can happen at several levels – between police officers, investigators, and prosecutors, as well as, getting evidence from the public.
When is a Digital Evidence Management System necessary?
When evidence has to be shared between officers, or with the judicial branch, a DEMS is invaluable, as it can provide secure access to specific people and in a specific way, depending on what they need.
What relationship is there between DEMS and the Chain of Custody?
As all evidence in a DEMS is of Digital nature, is it paramount to ensure that all the files that end up in the system are never altered or modified. The Chain of Custody and the audit trail allow verifying that the files have kept their integrity and can be presented in court as evidence.
Can I use a DEMS to manage files from a Forensics Lab?
Yes. Files recovered from devices via forensic methods usually require linking the recovered parts with the damaged original, so you can investigate with all the data at hand. A DEMS is perfect for this, as it maintains the Chain of Custody and all the relationships between files.
What happens to the files when a case is closed?
All cases and files have a definable retention schedule, after which they are securely deleted. This schedule depends on local legislation and is completely customizable. Upon deletion, the system also logs time and date for a possible future audit.
Benefits for
law enforcement
On Premise
Intelion can be deployed on-premise within any IT infrastructure hardware and software applications that are hosted on-site.
Secure Cloud
Intelion can be also managed in a secure cloud environment that may be effectively scaled up or down depending on overall usage

Automatic documentation
Intelion automatically documents the current operation, date, time and recording system used.

Format unification
Content is automatically transcoded into a single format.

Configurable automation module for workflows to optimise processes and resources
Alarm System
Individualised alarms per user, assignable to specific targets.

Connection and bi-directional integration with existing systems.

Configurable ID reports, in HTML or PDF for forensic video analysis.
CSV data export for processing in third party systems (Big Data).

Full traceability of both user and automated system activities.
Save time and resources with Intelion
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