Comprehensive 24/7 monitoring of public intelligence sources with Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor
In today’s connected world, when you need to follow up on declarations of political figures, require intelligence on specific topics, or want to know exactly where the news cycle is, you can use Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor to get you the information you need. Its 24/7 monitoring of public Broadcast and streaming TV and radio, social networks or online press, among others, can provide you with everything you need.
Who may need Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor?

Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs)
In many cases it is very important to follow the news cycle in order to find suspect or to control the spread of information that may damage your case.
Besides this, many cases with a high public profile simply must be followed in the news, to know how things are developing. Having an eye con the news chatter can also be enlightening in many cases, providing unexpected evidence or witnesses. Intelion does it in a completely unattended manner for you in 24/7, in multiple channels at a time.

Government Agencies
For a government agency or press department it can be vital to be on top of the news cycle and control the develoment of certain news. to be able to respond effectively, and in time.
On the other hand, Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor allows you to monitor the appearance of public declarations of the political figures relevant to you, in order to analyze bias or the broadcasting pattern of a certain organization. Get alarms whenever something happens and is broadcasted or streamed.
Permanent OSINT sources monitoring
Through the simultaneous surveillance of open source information channels like TV, radio and the Internet, it is possible to access a very valuable source of information, without the need to assign personnel to the supervision tasks, since Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor’s AI will perform everything automatically, based on your rules, and alerting you when something relevant happens.

Upon detection of any specific content in any channel, you will receive an alarm on your cell phone.

Automatic transcription
Any spoken content, on any channel, in any language, can be transcribed into text 24/7, and translated.

Sentiment Analysis
With the extraction function, video segments can be forwarded only moments after they have been broadcasted.

Intelion puede funcionar on-premise, completamente aislado del exterior. Hay disponibles otras implementaciones como híbrida o en la nube.

Intelion puede usar cualquier analizador de IA ya disponible o integrar nuevos sobre la marcha, a medida que sea necesario.

Intelion se integra con cualquier sistema de terceros tanto para adquirir la información sin procesar como para proporcionar los resultados analizados.

Intelion puede escalar fácilmente con la carga de trabajo actual, brindando la agilidad y flexibilidad necesarias para resolver cualquier caso.

Todos los procesos de análisis se pueden configurar individualmente para cada propósito, caso o lote de archivos, para optimizar los recursos.

La API de Intelion permite que aplicaciones de terceros se integren con la plataforma, intercambien datos y controlen procesos.
The challenge
Be on top of the news cycle at all times
If you are a governmental agency you may need to be on top of everything that is developing in the news cycle, to anticipate to any potential situations that may arise. Or you may need to gather information about a particular topic or person. And if you are a political party press department, you need to follow any and all declarations from your party members and the oposition. But keeping up to date with the amount of public information sources is overwhelming and impossible to do by hand.

The solution
Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor can monitor all OSINT sources 24/7 unattended
With its ability to monitor dozens of channels at the same time, you will be certain that nothing escapes Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor’s vigilant artificial intelligence. Specify what faces, sounds, words or phrases you are looking for, and get notified immediately on your mobile whenever something turns up, on any channel, or on the Internet.
Sources that can be monitored withIntelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor
Intelion can connect to most open intelligence sources like Broadcast TV or radio and news sites like online press or social networks, to gather all the information you require, without the need of special access or accounts, as all the data is public. Get the knowledge or intelligence you need from all over the world, as soon as it’s available.

Broadcast TV
Intelion can keep a permanent 24/7 eye on public TV channels and record anything you need, automatically in a permanent loop.

The same applies to radio. Traditional over-the-air radio emissions can be captured, digitized and recorded automatically, 24/7.

Instead of traditional radiowaves transmissions, Intelion can also record streams directly from the Internet, both audio and video.

Social networks
Via connectors, Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor can analyze social networks, gauging the current sentiment via NLP.

Online Press
One of the main news sources, online publications can be analyzed by Intelion’s AI, looking for the information you need.

Printed Press
Traditional publications can be added to your OSINT sources via scanning and OCR or conversion into PDF, so Intelion can parse them.

Intelion supports the most common document types like Word, PDF and the like, to have their contents analyzed and added to the database.

Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor’s AI modules can find faces, number plates, logos & objects in digital pictures.

Media files
Besides it streaming recording capabilities, Intelion can also ingest massive amounts of media files for automatic analysis.
Intelion's analytics capabilities
Intelion uses an Analytics Bus as a central hub to apply all the AI analyzers to the news channels. This allows not only to add any number of analyzers to the analysis chain, but also to define an advanced analytics logic. The Intelion Analytics Bus processing sequence can be programmed individually via the BPM automation graph, for each usage scenario or even for individual assignments. Find everything you need, in all public news channels.
Speaker ID es capaz de identificar a los hablantes individuales en una conversación y asociar lo que dice cada uno.
El reconocimiento facial identifica a una persona en función de una imagen de su rostro. Es un método de identificación biométrica.
La detección de objetos analiza imágenes o videos y reconoce los objetos a la vista, comparándolos con una base de datos previamente entrenada.
Audio fingerprinting se utiliza para localizar un sonido determinado (un evento) en un archivo de audio más largo. Se puede usar cualquier patrón de sonido.
Voz-a-texto convierte la palabra hablada en texto que se puede editar y buscar, y es capaz de detectar cambios en el idioma hablado.
ALPR es capaz de identificar matrículas de diferentes países en cualquier imagen o vídeo, así como el modelo de coche, marca, color, año…
La traducción puede convertir texto en cualquier idioma, a tu propio idioma (o cualquier otro), para que puedas comprender el contenido.
OCR es capaz de leer cualquier texto que aparezca en una imagen (rótulos, logotipos, etc.) o que esté superpuesto, como títulos o tercios bajos.

Somos capaces de realizar adaptaciones ad-hoc, personalizaciones, desarrollos o integraciones con sistemas preexistentes.
Intelion's platform capabilities
Let the technology work for you and help you keep on top of the news cycle. Be informed the moment something turns up on any channel and get the option to respond or adapt your strategy immediately. Anticipate to ongoing events and be prepared, with all the information at hand, for your party or government superiors, and never again be caught off-guard.

Control information vectors
When news break, sometimes it is interesting to know how the information spreads out, by which channels, how fast, and what the repercussion of the breaking news are. With Intelion you'll get reports of all the appearances of any news piece.

Multi-screen display
Thanks to Intelion's tileable display, you can view many channels at once, in multiples configurations, for any use case. Watch 2 channels or 12 at the same time, if you need it. The configuration flexibility is there.

Immediate translation
Even if you follow foreign broadcasts and news channels, you will never miss anything, because Intelion can find information in any language and also translate any foreign content into your own language, so you can evaluate what is being said, in real time.

Impact control
Control all the appearances of public statements from politicians or government officialas on any station, channel or stream. Intelion can even tell you which part of a statement has been used, to reveal possible bias.

News Tracking
In order to know the diffusion pattern of certain news and their evolution over time, you can use Intelion's artificial intelligence tracking features to control all the different events related to a certain newscast

OSINT information collection
Gather information about people, companies or interest groups from public information sources in an unattended, automatic manner, with alarms whenever something important shows up.

Analyze public sentiment
Thanks to Natural Language Processing, Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor is able to gauge public sentiment regarding different topics you may be interested in, so you are always informed of the public opinion in the current news cycle.

Rule-based analytics
Intelion Media & OSINT Intelligence Monitor's intelligent analytics follow the rules you specify for each active information request, optimizing analyzer time. So you get your answers as soon as possible.

Permission system
Each user can have his or her own set of permissions to access certain information sources, projects or investigations, so all the knowledge is correctly compartimentalized.
Media & OSINT Monitoring Use Cases

Online Intelligence and Sentiment Analysis
Printed Press Intelligence Analytics

Intelion integrates with social media connectors and can provide the current Internet sentiment regarding specific news or keywords, providing an insight into how the public is reacting to a particular newspiece on the web or any of the main social networks, and if it has a positive or negative impact on the public opinion.

Today’s News come mostly from online sources, but Intelligence and Government agencies also need to analyze the traditional printed press space, because not all publications put all of their news online. Intelion’s printed press analytics processes news articles from printed sources and adds them to the digital space, with all the AI analysis power available.
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Beneficios para
cuerpos policiales
On Premise
Intelion puede ser utilizado on-premise dentro de cualquier infraestructura de IT y con aplicaciones de software que estén alojadas en local.
Cloud Securizado
Intelion también puede ser instalado en un entorno Cloud completamente securizado que puede escalarse según las necesidades de cada cliente.

Documentación automática
Intelion documenta de forma automática la operación actual, fecha, hora y cámara empleada.

Unificación de formatos
Los contenidos se transcodifican automáticamente a un formato único.

Automatización de procesos
El flujo de trabajo es configurable para optimizar procesos y recursos.
Sistema de alarmas
Alarmas individualizadas por usuario, asignables o objetivos específicos.

Conexión e integración bidireccional con sistemas ya existentes.

Informes configurables de identificaciones, en HTML o PDF para análisis forense de vídeo.
Exportación de datos en CSV para procesamiento en sistemas de terceros (Big Data).

Trazabilidad de actividades de los usuarios y automáticas del sistema.
Ahorre tiempo y personal con Intelion
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