In February, June and October of 2025 ISID will be an exhibitor at three of the five ISS (Intelligence Support Systems) World events in Dubai, Prague and Panama, presenting its LEA and Security product and platform, Intelion.
Madrid, November 28th 2024. ISID, a technology company focused on AI platforms for video and audio, with specific solutions for the Security market, will be an exhibitor at three ISS World tradeshows, which are the world’s largest gathering of Regional Law Enforcement, Intelligence and Homeland Security Analysts, Telecoms as well as Financial Crime Investigators responsible for Cyber Crime Investigation, Electronic Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering.

ISID at ISS 2025
Every year, ISS World Programs presents the methodologies and tools for Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Government and Private Sector Intelligence Communities in the fight against drug trafficking, cyber money laundering, human trafficking, terrorism and other criminal activities conducted over today’s telecommunications network, the Internet and Social Media. ISS celebrates 5 events every year in Panama City, Washington DC, Prague, Dubai and Singapore. ISID will attend as exhibitor at the Dubai, Prague and Panama events during 2025, in February, June and October, presenting its latest enhancements and new functionalities of its Intelion platform.
The Intelion platform is a Video and Audio analyzer for law enforcement, government & intelligence agencies, that reduces investigation and analysis times to a fraction of the usual, by automating the tasks of reviewing and documenting video, audio, and images generated in surveillance, recordings or social media analysis operations, due the AI algorithms integrated into one single platform.
Intelion is an AI Analytics Platform that can either integrate with any VMS or work as standalone, and processes video files, or streams like live surveillance cameras, massively, in an unattended manner. It applies advanced, AI-based analyzers to automatically classify all that information and locate targets, faces, objects and any other information.
- Safe City. Intelion Safe City can connect to any VMS and enhance the security infrastructure for a Smart City or Safe City initiative. Intelion adds AI analytics layers to the VMS.
- Media Investigation. Designed specifically to facilitate police and intelligence investigations, Intelion Media Investigation is the solution that allows the massive ingestion of multimedia files or audio & video signals generated in surveillance operations (i.e. from cameras) and automates the analysis, documentation and review tasks of the videos.
- Digital Evidence Management System. Intelion Digital Evidence Management provides a complete environment where to collect, store, analyze and share digital evidence for Law Enforcement Agencies and keep the chain of custody.
- OSINT. Intelion is also able to monitor and analyze live TV and Radio, Newspapers, Documents, and gather information from social networks, and retrieve the content and the sentiment around specific topics.
About ISID
ISID is a spanish and global company that develops solutions and platforms for the processing, analysis, management and storage of audio and video. Our solutions integrate advanced AI analysis modules (like biometrics, S2T, translation, object recognition, audio fingerprinting & ID, etc.) and are used in multiple sectors, such as Security, Government and Public Administration, Law Enforcement, Intelligence, Communication Agencies, Education, Healthcare and Legal. They are AI vendor agnostic and can be integrated within the processes of the client organization and workflows.