Online Intelligence and News Sentiment Analysis
Know the state of the current news cycle and online sentiment for specific keywords
For many government or intelligence agencies the news cycle is of utmost importance. Knowing what the current main news is, and how the general public is responding to it can be valuable information when dealing with crisis situations or trying to find out the general sentiment regarding a new law, major event o current economic situation. Intelion provides that information in an easy and graphic ways in a matter of minutes.
Analyze hundreds of OSINT sources in minutes to know the current online sentiment in regards to specific keywords or groups of keywords, news topics from all over the world or breaking news events.
Online News and Sentiment Analysis
Most of the mainstream news media are already online and given the interactive nature of the current news sources, where everyone can comment or give their opinion, this is an excellent source of information regarding what the public thinks about the latest events in the headlines. And then there is social media, which also is an important source of news for many.
With these two main news sources to tap into, the appropriate system can be able to analyze both the dispersion pattern and reach of any news item, and the reaction of the readers to it. This is the fundament for Online Sentiment Analysis, one of Intelion’s features.

The time graph shows the evolution of a news item or keywords over time.
Immediate Knowledge

The frequency with which keywords are mentioned is shown in a bar graph.
The Intelion platform is integrated with OSINT (Social Media and Web) Analytics systems and allows to perform keyword searches on those sources to find out statistics about their frequency, which media outlets are using them, if the tone is positive, negative or neutral, etc. It is possible to access the original sources (web pages or social media posts) directly with a click from the summary screen, to see the context and gain a better understanding of the tone. Online keyword queries take only seconds to perform and Intelion show the results in a comprehensible manner on screen, with frequency graphs, pie charts, word clouds and maps. There is also a complete list of all the instances where the keyword has appeared, with a direct link to the original source.
Powerful searches and filtering
As the amount of information on the Internet can be extremely overwhelming for hot or controversial topics, Intelion provides a powerful search system consisting of keywords that can be freely defined, and Entities, which are customizable collections of keywords. This way, once an Entity has been defined, it is easily reusable in other investigations or monitoring activities.
Regarding the results, Intelion allows a complete fine tuning of the information included in the results. This includes fine-grain selections like the topic, the sentiment (positive, negative, neutral), the source (social network, online publication, etc.), the keywords or a date range. Therefore, it is easy to build the correct results from hundreds or thousands of hits for the initial query. And all this information is shown in easily to understand graphics that give a great overview of the current interest or sentiment of a particular topic.

Word clouds show the trending topic and the most used keywords.
Watch Intelion in action
See how Intelion analyzes social web and web news information, returning the current sentiment.
In this short video Intelion shows how to perform sentiment analysis, also known as “opinion mining”. This is the use of natural language processing, text analysis and linguistics, to identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and subjective information. Sentiment analysis is widely applied in private corporations and the public sector, where local, regional or national governments use it to find out what the general public thinks regarding nuew rules, legislation, etc.
Summaries and Reports
Finally, Intelion allows to combine all those results into reports in PDF or HTML format, even including the graphics and extracts from the different publications, all customizable. This is especially interesting for Press departments of government bodies, which need regular reports on the latest news cycle or hot topic, to present to the interested parties.
Intelion is a valuable tool to monitor the Internet news space in search of specific topics or keywords, to calibrate the impact of specific news on the general public and to gauge the general sentiment of the current news cycle, either favorable, or unfavorable to the latest news. Its alarm system allows to keep on top of all breaking news, as the system monitors all channels constantly for specific keywords, and sends notifications to the appropriate persons as soon as they are detected.
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